Elisa Frullanti

Elisa Frullanti received Bachelor Degree in Biological Sciences in 2004 and Master of Science in Molecular Biology of the Cell in 2006, both with honors. In 2011 she obtained the title of PhD in Cancer Genetics of Open University (London, UK) at the affiliated research center Fondazione IRCCS Isitituto Nazionale Tumori (INT, Milan, Italy).

She has been working in the field of lung cancer (LC) genetics for ten years first in Milan, at Fondazione IRCCS Isitituto Nazionale Tumori, and then at University of Siena (2013-today). In INT, she conducted her research project aimed to identify functional genetic elements associated with LC prognosis through genome wide association studies, genetic linkage, and transcriptome studies. In 2010, she won an AIRC “Triennal Fellowship 2010-2012 Antonietta Andreoli” to carry out this project. In 2011, she won the “Galilei Giovani” Young Research Scientist Award, Rotary International (District 2100, Italy) for her research.

She then received two annual research fellowships, “Young Investigator Programme 2013” and “Post-Doctoral Fellowships 2015”, funded by Fondazione Umberto Veronesi. Elisa Frullanti is currently Senior Researcher of Genetics at the University of Siena.

The main research interests were aimed to dissect the molecular and genetic bases of LC in never smoker young patients and in other diseases following an innovative “omics” approach that will integrate genomic (WES) and transcriptomic (RNAseq) data as well as liquid biopsy analysys.

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